Monday, October 19, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Dominick's First Halloween is coming up! First step....a trip to the pumpkin patch! We opted for the local Park District pumpkin "patch" but it was just as much fun as any other we had been too!! He wasn't quite sure what to do here....

And this is his first pony ride!!

And the petting zoo!!

Summer turns to Fall

I think this will finally catch us up! Some Sept/Oct photos for all to enjoy! Now that I'm caught up I can hopefully update this on a more regular basis!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


We had a lot of fun this summer! Here is just a sampling of our summer fun and me growing up!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Spring is Coming!

We had some nice days in March, so we took advantage by going to the park with our cousin Julianna! Mommy had to go back to work with month which was not fun :(

The best Valentine's Gift Ever

Our two month old son is growing so fast! This month he's been out of the house more, even taking a trip to Wisconsin to visit for his cousin Brett's 1st birthday! Dominick loves spending time with his family!

First Month Joys-January 2009

Having Dominick home from the hospital was/is wonderful. During his first few months home, he was introduced to and got to know our dog Barley; he has had many visitors, and has been getting used to our new home just as we have been doing! Too bad it's so darn cold out in January--we haven't had time to enjoy the outdoors!